Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Week 21 - Prepared to learn

Hello to the best and greatest family and friends in the whole world. :) 

Zone training
We had an incredible Zone training this week, that was just amazing. :) it was so cool. I love training meetings because I always feel so excited and energized to go do missionary work after we are done. :) the spirit is always so strong and just so inspiring. Someone told me when I first got here that "You work your hardest and do the best you can until you go to a training meeting where you get called to repentance. Then you go back and work even harder. I Absolutely felt that way after this training meeting. :) we learned so many incredible things that we were so excited to apply to our area and to us as missionaries. It was just awesome. :) This zone training was really cool because president Woodbury gave us a copy of a song that he wrote and asked sister Raccuia and I to put it together so that the whole zone could do a special musical number. It was so awesome. :) We practiced a lot and it ended up sounding really amazing. Sister Raccuia played the piano and I directed the choir. I was really nervous about it because I have never done anything like that before, our zone is very talented so I felt super inadequate but it went really well. :) I learned so much and people were very kind to us about it. :) 

We did a lot of yard work for a recent convert in our ward named Mary this week. It was a lot of fun. We had the elders come and help us because it was a really big job and we ended up spending a lot of time there. We put in almost a full day there last week and then almost a full day there this week and I think we pretty much have it all under control. :) But while we were out there working both times Mary's neighbors R**** and S**** came over and started helping us. We absolutely appreciated the help and we loved getting to work with them, they were awesome. Well this time when S**** came over to help us we were just talking to him and getting to know him a little bit better so we asked him if he was religious at all and he said "you know. I was raised really religious, but I've never really been interested in a certain denomination until I met you guys. I would love to check out your church." And then he started asking us all sorts of questions and was just really interested and excited about what we had to say he told us that he totally wasted to come to church with us and was just really grateful that he met us. :) He is so amazing and and is just so eager and excited about learning more about the gospel. He is going out of town for a few weeks, so we will start teaching him more when he comes home. But we are so excited about it.
We had a ball at the Farmers Market again this week. :) B**** was there again to play with us and he was so excited about it. B**** is about 16 years old and He gives up his Saturdays to come and play out of the Primary Song Book with a bunch of missionaries. :) it's so awesome. We love having him play with us! After we were done playing he said "hey! I want you to meet my friend S****," So we walked across the market where the cutest old man ever was sitting down and playing the accordion. :) He was awesome. He was born in Poland and was raised in Germany and has the coolest accent in the world. We talked him for a little bit and he ended up asking us to play a song for him, so we sang I am a Child of God for him and it was just so powerful. :) One of the elders that was with us was holding a Book of Mormon in his hand and S**** looked at it and said "Can in have that book?" We gave it to him and he started talking about he has friends who are members And how he went out to visit them and just fell on love with the Salt Lake temple he asked us if we could come over and start talking about the Book of Mormon with him, he said he totally wanted to come to church with us, and he was so happy to meet us. :) It was so cool, we honestly didn't even need to say two words. He was just so anxious and excited to learn more about the gospel. It was so awesome. :) 

5 months out this week
You don't normally have people who pretty much run up to you and want you to teach them, so it was so neat to basically have that happen twice this week. It is the coolest thing to see how prepared some people are to hear the gospel and how excited they are about it. :)

I wish I had more time to tell you more about everything that happened this week, because it was amazing. :) But we have to run to a zone activity tonight. I love you so much and I man so excited to hear from you guys. Thank you for all the love and support. We appreciate it so much. :) Your prayers are absolutely helping us see miracles all the time.

love sister watts.  :)

"I can do hard things" - hairball in tub drain

Store in LaPorte

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